Jonathan Traviesa is the latest Louisiana artist to be featured in the online magazine, Pelican Bomb. Mississippi native-turned-New-Orleanian, Benjamin Morris, writes at length about Traviesa’s decade-long portraiture project in New Orleans. He offers a local’s perspective on Traviesa’s expanding body of work:
"Even though the entirety of his portraiture is based in New Orleans, he avoids reading too deeply into its idiosyncrasies: in particular, the relationship between houses and people. Many of the houses he shoots bear no defining local markers, removing the potential obstructions of iconography or caricature, and rendering the argument of his work even more cogent: that New Orleans, particularly post-Katrina New Orleans, enjoys a right to existence as much as any other city whose balconies may not be garlanded with beads."
Read the entire article here.
Pelican Bomb is relatively new, but its editors and writers have been working hard to both document and make sense of the various art scenes in New Orleans and throughout Louisiana. The online magazine launched in February 2011, and it "focuses on [Louisiana's] native sons and daughters, recent transplants, and folks just passing through. As a contemporary primary document, it reflects the transitional and transformative nature of place as related to the creation, dissemination, and consumption of visual art today."
Pelican Bomb also has an open call to all Louisiana photographers and video artists to submit work for consideration in their "Pic(k) of the Week," which is featured prominently on the site’s homepage. You can send submissions to
Editor’s Note: View a selection of Traviesa’s photography featured on One, One Thousand in March 2011.
"The greatest thing a human soul ever does in this world is to see something, and tell what it saw in a plain way. Hundreds of people can talk for one who can think, but thousands can think for one who can see. To see clearly is poetry, prophecy, and religion, — all in one." — John Ruskin
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